Research on the relationship between groundwater level and layered subsidence in typical regions of Beijing
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Gr oundw ater ov er2ex traction in Beijing causes continuous decline in g roundw ater level and rapid dev elo pment of land subsidence. T he time2series data of layered subsidence and g roundw ater lev el in the co rr esponding aquifer at the T ianzhu g ro und subsidence monitor ing station wer e used t o dev elo p a mult iple reg ression model. The model w as verified based o n the o bser ved data. On the basis, the main subsidence layer and main contr olling aquifer w hich has the max imum effects o n the land subsidence at the T ianzhu statio n w ere determined. The research results can pr ov ide scient ific refer ence for the reasonable reg ulatio n of gr oundwat er ext ractio n layer and preventio n o f land subsidence.