Analysis of bankfull discharge characteristics in the lower reach of Weihe River
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The decr easing of bankfull dischar ge in the lower r each of the Weihe Riv er can lead t o ser ious t hr eats to the floo d con2 tr ol. T he fluv ial pro cess in the Xianyang2Linto ng section o f the lower reach of the Weihe Riv er in 60 year s w as simulated by the one2dimensional steady w ater and sediment dynamics mo del. The metho d of WOL based on the cr oss2section g eometr ic standar d was ado pt ed to estimate the bankfull elev atio n in the low er reach of the Weihe River w ith the help of cr oss sect ion r ang e and limit of effectiv e riv er w idth. The var iatio ns of bankfull dischar ge and bankfull elev ation in the Xianyang2Lintong sectio n o f the low er reach o f t he Weihe Riv er wer e analy zed, and the r elationships betw een the bankfull elevations of the cr oss sectio n and riv2 er section and the sediment co efficient and sedimentation amo unt wer e studied. The results show ed that sediment ation occur s mainly in the Lintong2H uax ian sect ion, especially in the f loo dpla in, while t he bankfull dischar ge decreases in this section. Mor eo2 v er, bot h the bankfull elevat ions of the cro ss section and river section have g oo d co rr elation w ith the sedimentat ion amo unt in the main channel of both sections.