Numerical simulation of impacts of mountain tunnel construction on groundwater environment
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In or der t o understand the impacts of mountain tunnel constructio n on g ro undw ater envir onment, Visual Modflow , a three2dimensional visualization so ftw are, w as used to simulate the impacts of tunnel co nstr uction under fiv e wo rking co nditions on gr oundwat er env ir onment w ith three schemes ( natura l conditions, t unnel excav ation, and tunnel o per ation) based on the ac2 curate estimat ion o f the geolog ical structure o f surr ounding r ock and the r elevant par ameter s. The results show ed that ( 1) under the natural conditio ns, g ro undwater depth is shallow w ith little v ariation in the tunnel area, and g ro undwater environment is sta2 ble; ( 2) under the par tial ex cavation conditio ns, g ro undwater enviro nment changes obviously. Drainag e ar ea incr eases sig nifi2 cantly in t he tunnel ex cavatio n ar ea and g ro undwater div ide mo ves to the t unnel area w ithout excavation, but g r oundwater env i2 r onment in t he tunnel area wit ho ut ex cav ation is similar to that under natural conditio ns; ( 3) under t he complete ex cavatio n con2 ditions, g roundw ater mov es dow nw ard to the tunnel, and tunnel drainag e ar ea co ntinues to ex pand; and ( 4) under the anti2seepage conditions, gr oundwater no long er moves downward to the tunnel and gr oundwater env ironment can recover to the natur al conditions. Therefor e, anti2seepag e construction needs to be perfo rmed dur ing the mountain tunnel construction in or der to reduce the impacts of en2 g ineering construction on g roundwater environment and to prevent the w ater inrush accident in the tunnel.