Stress deformation analysis of composite geomembrane wal l rock2fill dam under earthquake
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Geomembr ane w all ro ck2fill dam is a new ro ck2fill dam to pr ev ent the seepag e and st ress deformation. A thr ee2dimen2 sio nal finite element model was dev elo ped fo r a composite geomembr ane w all rock2fill dam in Bailongjiang . The larg e geotechni2 cal analysis softw are MIDAS/ GTS was used to simulate the st ress deformat ion of the composite g eomembrane w all ro ck2fill dam under thr ee w o rking conditio ns, including the norma l sto rag e per iod, no rmal stor age per iod w ith 82deg ree ear thquake, and no rmal stor age period w ith 82deg ree ear thquake but w ithout membrane. T he effects of compo site g eomembrane o n the stress de2 fo rmation of the ro ck2fill dam w ere analyzed under eart hquake. The r esult s showed that t he compo site g eomembrane restr ains the str ess deformat ion of the r ock2f ill dam.