Application of flow and sediment model in the Shijiaqiao River of Xiaoshan District
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To solve the pro blem o f channel deposit ion in the Shijiaqiao River due to water div ersion of the Qiantang River , the de2 sig n scheme w ith g r it chamber is considered to be applied to settle the sediment and purify the w ater qualit y. Based on the actual measured hydro log ical data o f the Qiantang Riv er and Shijiaqiao Riv er as well as the preliminar y desig n scheme of g r it chamber, the sediment movement in t he gr it chamber w as simulated and analyzed using the flow and sediment mo del after the sett ling ba2 sin w as established. The r esults show ed that sediment co ncentration incr eases fir st and then decreases, and sedimentatio n on the rig ht bank is mo re obvio us. The r esear ch can prov ide technica l suppo rt for t he fut ur e o ptimization of gr it chamber and river reg2 ulat ion project.