Effects of surface modification on the strength of rubber cement mortar
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The effects o f six surface modificatio n methods on t he compressive st reng th and split streng th of rubber cement mor tar wer e inv est igat ed. T he six metho ds include water w ashing , sodium chlor ide solution, calcium chlor ides solution, KH560 so lu2 tion, KH570 solution, and CCl4 so lutio n. The method of w ater washing enhanced the compr essiv e strength by 7. 6% and com2 pressiv e streng th by 9. 9% of rubber cement mort ar. So dium chlor ide solut ion and calcium chlor ides so lutio n had neg ativ e effects on the str eng th of r ubber cement mor tar. Sodium chlo ride so lutio n of 5% concent ratio n enhanced the compr essive str eng th of rubber cement mor tar by 8. 6%, which w as similar to w ater washing. The effects o f KH 560 and KH 570 wer e bet ter than that of CCl4 in the o rg anic mo difiers, and the com pr essiv e st reng th of r ubber cement mo rtar w as increased by 5% and 4. 7% using the KH 560 and KH 570 so lutions respect ively compared w ith that of the unmodified rubber cement mo rtar . The r esults sug gested that t he im pact mechanism o f inorg anic modifier s o n t he str eng th of r ubber cement mor tar is complex . Cry stal pr essure can be formed in the co ncr ete caused by NaCl and the hydrat ion r eact ion caused by CaCl2 can be harmful to the cement. The o rg anic modifier s, such as KH 560 and KH 570, can amelior ate the int er face betw een the rubber and cement paste.