Simulation of three2dimensional seepage problem of earth dam in reservoir extension project
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Seepage is the key technical pro blem fo r the eart h dam extension pr oject, and the reasonable ev aluatio n of the r ationali2 ty and validity of seepag e co nt ro l desig n scheme is needed. In this paper, the unconfined seepag e field theo ry and finite element met ho d w ere used t o simulate the thr ee2dimensional seepag e of the ear th dam in a reservo ir after reinfor cement and heightening under t he desig n scheme of seepage co nt ro l. T he char acteristics of the seepag e parameter s, such as infilt ratio n, head distr ibution, seepage g radient, and leakage, w ere analyzed qualitativ ely and quant itativ ely . T he results showed that seepag e thro ug h the dam can be effectiv ely inter cepted under the seepag e co nt rol measures of precast co ncr ete blocks, composite geomembr ane, and seep2 ag e pr evention curtain; how ever, t he unfav orable seepag e safety pr oblems o f by pass seepage and seepag e g radient in the dam junction occur when the r eser vo ir w ater level increases.