Application of iron ore tailings powder in the roller compacted concrete dam of Shuangfeng Temple in Chengde
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Thr ough a lo t o f ex periments, the effects o f ar tificial sand made by the mix ing of the iron ore tailings powder and natu2 r al medium sand under a cert ain pro po rtion o n the hydr aulic pr operties, mechanical propert ies, and durability o f roller com pacted co ncr ete wer e analyzed. The r esult s showed that when the ratio betw een t he ir on o re ta iling s pow der and natur al medium sand is 7: 3, the compressive str eng th, splitting tensile strength, ax ial compr essive streng th, and ax ia l tensile str eng th of the har dening co ncr ete increase significantly, the early and late compressive strengths of the concrete enhance, and the permeabilit y, permeabil2 ity r esist ance, and freezing resistance per formance of chlo ride io n in the concrete impro ve.