Analysis of water use trend and its impact factors in Tianjing
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The w ater uses fo r all industr ies fr om 2000 to 2011 in Tianjin w ere analyzed in this paper. The r esults show ed that ( 1) agr icultural ir rig atio n use, industr ial use, and domestic use account for about 90% o f the to tal water consumptio n; ( 2) the do2 mestic w ater use per capita in Tianjin is v ery low , and there is little r oom fo r saving water by low ering the domestic water use. Pro viding hig h2standard w ater ser vices, such as adequate w ater supply and go od w ater quality, should be the focus o f the ecolog2 ical civilization co nstr uction in Tianjin; ( 3) industr ial water use is affected by o f the im pact factor s including indust rial restruc2 tur ing and w ater use efficiency, and indust ria l water use incr eases with the gr adual o ptimization of industrial structures; and ( 4) agr icultural ir rig atio n w ater use is affected by precipitation, arable area, and plant ing st ruct ur e. T he percentag e o f ag ricultural water use decr eases in recent y ears, but it can incr ease in the near future with the dev elo pment of veg etable plantations and gr eenhouse cr opping .