Study on water diversion regulation in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of Middle Route of South2to2North Water Diversion Project during ice period
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The Beijing2Shijiazhuang sectio n of the Middle Route o f South2to2 No rth Water Div ersio n Pr oject is about 307 km lo ng , which starts fr om Shijiazhuang of H ebei Pr ovince and ends at Tuancheng Lake o f Beijing . Due to the cold weather in w int er, water along the route is usually fro zen.Water div ersio n operatio n is quite different betw een t he ice perio d and normal per iod, thus it is necessar y to investig ate the w ater div ersio n reg ulatio n dur ing the ice perio d in o rder t o ensur e the div ersio n safet y. Based o n the four2time wat er diver sion reg ulatio n data dur ing the ice period in the Beijing2Shijiazhuang sect ion, the spatia l and tempo ral distr ibut ion cha racterist ics o f water diver sion during the ice per iod w ere analyzed. The ex per ience and regularit ies of water diver sion w ere summarized, w hich can pr ovide the technical suppo rt f or the water diver sion, ice disaster preventio n, and ice disaster fo recast in the Middle Route of South2to2 No rth Wat er Div ersio n Pro ject dur ing the ice per iod.