Design and implementation of monitoring system of Danjiangkou reservoir induced earthquake
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The monito ring system of Danjiang kou reservo ir induced eart hquake is an impor tant compo nent of the safety monito2 r ing fo r the continuo us pro ject of Danjiang kou reserv oir, w hich is composed of t hr ee major parts: dig ital telemetr ic seismic net2 w or k, center for earthquake analysis, and g ro undwater o bserv atio n wells netw ork. In this paper, based on the seismo geolog ical co nditions and po tent ial ear thquake ar ea in the r eser vo ir, the desig n idea, sy stem compo sitio n, netw or k lay out, seismolog ical pa2 r ameters, mo nitor ing capabilit y, and realizat ion of the entir e t echnical system w ere demonst rated.