Application of the calculation method for the spatially distributed unit hydrograph in mountain watershed
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The calculatio n met ho d fo r the spatially distr ibuted unit hydro gr aph based o n GI S and dig ital elev atio n model is a use2 ful t ool to calculate the floo d confluence in the mountain w atershed. The method was applied to simulate five floods in the Dag e water shed. The simulation results showed that the relat ive er ror of flood peak is less t han 10%, the r elative er ror of floo d vol2 ume is less than 20%, the err or o f time2to2peak is less than 0. 5 h, and the effectiv e co eff icient is g reater than 0. 8, w hich indica2 ted that the met ho d is applicable fo r flood simulation.