Evolution characteristics of precipitation along the coastal area of Jiangsu Province in recent 57 years
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Study o f t he evo lution rule of precipitatio n along the coastal ar ea o f Jiangsu Pro vince is o f g reat sig nificance for the de2 v elo pment and constructio n of its coastal area as w ell as the allo cation and management o f w ater r eso ur ces. Based on the month2 ly precipit at ion dat a ( 195722013) along the co ast al area of Jiangsu Pro vince, the v ariation trend, mutation points, and periodicity of precipitation in the representative per iods w ere analy zed using the Mann2Kendall test, sliding t test, and M or let wav elet anal2 y sis metho d. The results show ed that t he annual precipitatio n and precipitation in the flood and dr y seasons decrease sig nificant2 ly in r ecent 57 year s; precipitation decreases in the no rth w hile increases in the south; pr ecipitation has no abr upt chang e in the representat ive perio ds; pr ecipitatio n v ariat ion has a primary per iodicity of 13 year s, and the reg ional v ariat ion per io dicity is con2 sistent; and pr ecipitatio n in the r epr esentativ e per iods will incr ease in the future.