Comprehensive evaluation model of drought in the Yellow River of Shaanxi province based on TOPSIS method
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In the Yellow River, dr ought is one of the mo st outst anding natural disasters in agr icultural pr oductio n, w hich has be2 come a long2term co nditionalit y factor of agr icultural dev elopment in the area. Develo pment of the drought g rade ev aluatio n met ho d in typical r egions of the Yellow Riv er, establishment of the ar id ev aluatio n model of the Yellow Riv er, and scientific, ob2 ject ive, and accur ate evaluatio n of the dro ug ht level in the Yellow River and w ater supply area are the premise and foundatio n of dr ought relief w or k. In this paper, TOPSIS objectiv e weig hting method w as used to assign w eights fo r each droug ht ev aluatio n index and then to dev elop a comprehensive dr ought index , w hich w as used to per form dr ought analysis in the Yellow River of Shaanx i Pr ov ince betw een June 1999 and August 1999. The evaluat ion r esults wer e similar to the actual co nditions, w hich pr oved the rationalit y and o per abilit y of the evaluat ion method.