Spatial and temporal variations of rainfall days with different intensities in Guizhou in recent 50 years
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Based on the daily precipitat ion dat a at 81 meteo ro log ical stations in Guizhou Pro vince from 1961 to 2010, the spatial and tempo ral var iatio ns and abrupt chang e of r ainfall days w ith different int ensities wer e analyzed using the methods of linear trend analysis, Mann2Kenda ll test, and GI S spatial analy sis. T he results show ed that the r ainfa ll da ys w ith differ ent intensit ies incr ease g r adually fr om the 1960s to 1990s and decrease in the early 2000s, the total rainfall day s pr esent an o bv ious decreasing trend w ith a r ate of 1. 93 d/ 10a, and the light ra infa ll days acco unt for mo st o f to tal r ainfall days as both have an abrupt decrea2 sing trend in 2006. As fo r the spatial distr ibution, the total rainfall and lig ht rainfall days decr ease fr om southwest to nor theast wit h hig her2v alue centers in Dafang, Nayo ng , and Shuicheng in t he southwest and lower2value areas in the southeast and no rth2 east of Guizhou Prov ince, while the medium r ainfall and heavy r ainfall da ys decr ease from southeast t o nor thwest. The ra infall day s decr ease in different ar ea of Guizhou Pro vince. T he total rainfall and lig ht r ainfall days have a sig nificant ly decreasing trend in t he south of Guizhou Prov ince, the pr opor tion of mo der ate rainfall days show s a decr easing tr end of 90. 1%, and the area of heav y rainfall days w ith an increasing tr end acco unts for 67. 1% and is mainly located in the w est, nort heast, and south cent ral Guizho u Pro vince with a banding distributio n.