Spatial and temporal characteristics of precipitation in Changzhou Area from 1978 to 2012
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Based o n t he precipitat ion dat a at 26 stat ions from 1978 t o 2012 in Chang zhou Area, the spat ial and temporal charac2 ter istics of precipitat ion w ere ana lyzed using t he liner r egr essio n, w avelet ana lysis, and moving aver age curv e methods. T he re2 sults show ed that annual precipitat ion has an increasing tr end, and t her e a re two main per iods of precipitatio n v ariation: 5 year s and 10 y ears. Precipitat ion has signif icantly spat ial va riations w ith higher v alues in southw est and low er values in no rtheast, and ther e are two precipitat ion r ising center s based on aver age annual pr ecipitatio n dat a. Precipitatio n is higher in t he ur ban and low2 er in the subur bs, especially fr om 1980s to ear ly 1990s.