Application of entropy attribute recognition model in reservoir eutrophication evaluation
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Subjective factor s can affect the w eig ht distr ibut ion for each index in the evaluation of reserv oir eut rophicatio n, there2 fo re entro py metho d w as used to distr ibute the weig ht of each index . In this paper , six index es in the ev aluatio n o f reservo ir eu2 tr ophicatio n in ten lar ge r eser vo irs o f Guang do ng Prov ince w ere selected, and the attr ibute recog nition method w as used to de2 v elo p the ent ro py attribute recog nitio n model. The model results agr eed with the actual eutro phicat ion co nditions in the ten res2 er voirs, which sug gested that the entro py attr ibute r eco gnition model is applicable in the evaluation o f reserv oir eutr ophication.