Characteristics of groundwater pollution in Changping Plain of Beijing
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This paper inv estigated t he causes of gr oundw ater po llution in Changping Dist rict using the fuzzy cluster analysis, pr incipa l component analy sis, and cor relation analy sis based o n g ro undwater sampling analysis. T he r esults showed that the gr oundwat er quality t ypes can be div ided into thr ee categ or ies: natural t ype, pollution ty pe, and po llut ion2ov erex ploit at ion ty pe; the major o ver standar d indicat ors are nitro gen, to tal hardness, T DS, and fluo ride w ith the ex ceeding rat es of 15. 79%, 10. 53%, 10. 53%, and 5. 26% r espectively; the nitro gen pollutio n includes nitrate, nit rite, and ammonia and is ma inly from the input of pollutants, and the pollution forms of nitrog en are related to the hydrogeological conditions and amount of input contaminants; o ver standard total hardness and TDS ar e caused by the pollution and overex plo itation; and fluoride is from the g eo logical evo lution.