Comprehensive diagnosis method of water environment damage of control unit
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The water env iro nmental damag e diag no sis of contro l unit is the basis of the wat er quality tar get management of con2 tr ol unit . In or der to evaluat e t he w ater environment of contro l unit comprehensively, the classificat ion and g rading compr ehen2 siv e index evaluation method was pr oposed to evaluat e the w ater quality, phy sical habitat, and ecolog ical damag e o f contr ol unit. Fir st, the w ater envir onment damag e t ypes w ere divided into chemical damage, phy sica l damag e, and bio log ical damag e. Seco nd, the ex per t sco ring method was used to determine the index w eight, and the multistag e prog ressiv e centesimal system w as used to quantify the compr ehensive sco re index . Finally , based o n the comprehensive sco re, the damage type and damag e degr ee of co nt rol unit wer e ev aluated, and the damag e deg ree can be divided into no damag e, slight damage, moderate damag e, mo derat ely sev ere damaged, and sever ely damag ed. T he method w as applied to ev aluate the w ater env iro nment damag e in the contr ol unit in the Daliao Riv er, w hich sug gested t hat t he damag e types a re physical and biolog ical damag es, the ox yg en consumptio n pollutio n is heav y, and the compr ehensive damage degr ee is slig ht.