Analysis of ecological instream runoff of Luanhe River under the interference of human activities
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Based on the daily r unoff data at the Luanx ian stat ion in the Luanhe Riv er Basin f rom 1956 to 2010, the hydrolog ical variatio ns wer e analy zed fr om f ive respects including mag nitude, fr equency, timing , duratio n, and var iatio n rate. A to tal of 67 sta2 tist ical parameter s w ere selected, including 33 IHA parameter s and 34 EFC par ameters. Indicator s of H ydro log ic Alteratio n ( IH A) softw are was used to analyze the var iatio n characteristics o f these index es befo re and after the int erference o f human ac2 tivit ies, and the deg ree of alt eratio n o f t he r iver r egime closely related to the riv er ecosystem health. A case study in the Luanhe River Basin show ed that human activities have changed the hydrolog ical elements sig nificantly, such as the high flow and its f re2 quency in the flo od season, the mag nitude and t iming of ex tremely low flow, the fr equency o f hig h f low pulses, and the var iatio n rate of daily str eam flow s, and these changes in the hydro logical elements can mainly be attributed to the river ecolog ical envir onment destruction. The findings in this paper can pro vide the theoretical basis for r iver ecosystem manag ement and restoration.