Application of five2element connection number method2improved entropy method in water quality evaluation
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To tig ht the r elatio nship betw een the w ater quality mo nitor ing value and wat er classified standar d, the fiv e2element co nnection number met ho d w as used to establish the fiv e2element connect ion numbers o f the evaluat ion cr iter ia for v ario us indi2 cato rs of w ater quality evaluatio n. On the basis of t raditio nal entro py w eig ht calculation, t he rank method w as used t o set the pr eference cor rectio n co ef ficient s and then to o btain the impr ov ed entro py weig hts. The fiv e2element co nnection number ui w as combined w ith the improv ed entro py weight WRi to obtain the com pr ehensive fiv e2element connect ion for w ater quality ev alua2 tion. T his is a new ly combined o bject ive and subjectiv e method for w ater quality evaluation. T he method w as applied to evaluat e water qualit y g rade and analy ze the var iatio n tr end of water qualit y in a riv er of Guiy ang City o f Guizho u Prov ince based on the monitor ing data of a cr oss section, w hich v erified the applicability of the five2element connect ion number metho d2impr ov ed en2 tr opy method in w ater quality ev aluatio n.