Pol lution characteristics and source analysis of PAHs in the karst groundwater of Qingshui Spring
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To determine the compo nents, source, and po llution character istics o f Polycyclic Ar omatic Hy drocar bo ns( PAHs) in the kar st gr oundwat er of Qingshui Spr ing, five sampling points w ere set along the upstream, midst ream, and dow nstr eam of the riv er, and 16 pr ior ity PAH s w ere detected. T he r esults show ed t hat ( 1) the t otal PAHs concentr atio n in the w et seaso n is 1631 87~ 2091 96 ng/ L w it h an aver age value o f 1831 10 ng / L, and 2~ 3 r ing naphtha lene, fluoranthene, phenanthrene account for 52% o f the total PAH s; ( 2) t he downstream of Qingshui Spring has the hig hest PAH s concentr atio n in t he dr y, no rmal, and wet seasons, followed by the midstr eam, and the upstr eam has the low est, w hich , is caused by the continually incr eased pollu2 tion source alo ng the riv er; ( 3) the of 2~ 3 r ing PAH s, 4 ring PAH s, 5~ 6 ring PAH s, and total PAH s concentr ations ar e the highest in the dr y seaso n and low est in the w et season, which is related to t he physicochemical pro per ties of PAH s; and( 4) the PAHs so ur ce is petr oleum in t he downstream and fuel combustion in the upper and middle streams. Compar ed to other reg io ns, the PAHs pollutio n level o f the kar st gr oundw ater in Qingshui Spr ing is low .