Water quality evaluation and prediction of upstream of Dahuofang Reservoir in the Hunhe River based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation
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Water quality in the upst ream o f Dahuofang Reservo ir of the H unhe River w as evaluated in three detecting sections ( Beizamu, Gulou, and Taigou) using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and ana lyt ic hier archy pro cess ( AH P) . T he co rr elation analysis between w ater qualit y ev aluatio n results ( w ater quality fuzzy comprehensiv e evaluat ion index ) and cor re2 sponding upstream inflow was prefo rmed. A no nlinear reg ression mo del o f the upstream w ater inflow and water quality fuzzy compr ehensiv e ev aluatio n index w as developed to pr edict w ater quality . The r esults show ed that the no nlinear reg ressio n model has hig h f itting accuracy and it can pr edict t he w ater quality cat eg or ies of each upstream inflow section.