Effects of CPAM on adsorption and desorption characteristics of Cd in dredged sludge
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The effect s and influencing mechanism of CPAM w ith different ion deg rees, mo lecular w eights, and dosag es on the ad2 so rption and deso rptio n character istics of Cd in dredged sludg e wer e investig ated. Results showed that when the initial concen2 tr atio n o f Cd in dr edg ed sludge is 0. 5 Lg/ L, the Cd concent ratio n in the super nat ant fluid is less than 0. 1 Lg/ L under the natu2 r al sediment ation af ter the adding of CPAM, w hich is similar to that w ithout the adding of CPAM. However , under the conditio n of vacuum filtr atio n, the concent ratio n o f Cd in the filtrate can r each 0. 35 Lg/ L, and abo ut 64% o f so luble Cd desor bs fr om the sludg e par ticles into the filtr ate. The intro ductio n of CPAM can desorb the no nspecific adsor pt ion Cd and some specific adso rp2 tion Cd in the sludge particles into t he weak do uble electr ic water t hr ough the ion ex chang e. After the v acuum filt ratio n, the de2 so rption r ate of Cd cand r each mo re than 60%, inst ead of 1% w ithout the adding o f CPAM.