Experimental study on fully softened strength of loess
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Experimental study o n fully so ftened strengt h o f lo ess needs to be perfo rmed in or der to accurat ely acquire the shear st reng th parameters o f the slip so il in the r esur gent and creeping loess landslide. In this paper, direct co nsolidatio n method and pr eloading co nso lidatio n method w ere used to prepare the saturated r emolded samples of lo ess in Shanx i Pr ov ince fo r the dir ect shear t ests w ith different shear rates and triax ial consolidation drained shea r tests. Resea rch results show ed that ( 1) the fully so ftened strength is not affected by sampling methods under low normal st ress conditions, but the fully soft ened streng th of pre2 loading consolidation samples is gr eater than that of direct consolidation samples under hig h normal str ess co nditions; ( 2) the fully so ftened str eng th is no t affected by the r ates of the direct shear tests in which samples wer e prepared by prelo ading co nsol2 idation met ho d; ( 3) fo r the triax ia l conso lidation dra ined shear tests, t he fully softened streng th incr eases with the increasing of the co nfining pressur e under the same prelo ading co nso lidatio n str ess and it increases with the increasing of preloading consoli2 datio n str ess under the same confining pressur e, and t he str ess2strain curv es appear to o ver lap within a cer tain range o f strain; and ( 4) the fully softened cohesions o f samples are close to 0 kPa, and the fully soft ened fr ictio n angles of prelo ading co nso lida2 tion samples ae clo ser to the actual conditio n. The r esear ch r esult s pro vide reference fo r the sampling methods and ex perimental met ho ds of str eng th par ameter tests in the st abilit y analy sis o f resurg ent and cr eeping lo ess landslides.