Comparison of hydraulic characteristics between upturning and side2dump flap valves
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In or der to ana lyze the hydraulic characterist ics of flap valve, t he upturning and side2dump flap valves w ere used as the research object, the three2dimensional mo del of fla p va lve w as developed using Pro / E softw are and the numerica l simulat ion of outlet flow patter n w as conducted using Fluent softw are under three opening ang les of flap valv e: 30b, 40b , and 50b. T he hydrau2 lic lo sses of t he tw o flap v alv es w ere o btained. T he r esear ch r esults pr ov ed that the side2dump flap v alve over comes the disad2 v antag es of tr adit ional upturning flap v alv e in that it has a bigg er opening angel, low er hydraulic lo ss, and bet ter flow patter n under the same w or king conditions.