Experimental study on permeability of plastic concrete under different load levels
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Permeabilit y of plastic co ncr et e under the t wo co nditions, including the same load level and increasing load level with time, w as investig ated using the steady state flow measurement method based on Dar cy. s Law , and t he relationships betw een the permeability and lo ad and betw een the permeability and inter na l crack wer e analyzed. T he r esults show ed that w hen load is co nstant and the plastic concrete sample is not destro yed, t he permeabilit y coefficient remains stable; while load increases step by step until the sample is destroyed, the permeability coefficient reduces slightly when stress ratio ( G) is less than 30%, reduces signifi2 cantly when G is between 30% to 60%, beg ins to increase when G is g reater than 60%, and increases r emar kably w hen G reaches 80%.