Study on optimal operation method for parallel pumping stations with combinational working condi tion adjustments based on experimental optimization for single pump unit
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Taking t he minimal daily elect ric cost of par allel pumping statio ns as t he objectiv e function, t he mathematical model of daily optimal o per atio n fo r parallel pumping st ations with adjustable blades and var iable speeds w as co nstr ucted w ith four deci2 sio n variables, including the operation number of pumping st ations, o per ation number of units in a sing le pumping statio n, blade ang le, and unit speed. T he tw o2stag e decomposit ion2dynamic prog ramming ag gr eg atio n met ho d based o n t he ex per imental o pt i2 mization for the seco nd stag e sub2mo del w as pro po sed to so lve the mathematical model. Thro ug h the t wo2stag e decomposition of the o riginal mo del, the mathemat ical model o f daily optima l operation fo r the sing le pump unit wit h adjustable blades and var ia2 ble speeds wer e obtained. The second2stag e sub2model too k the minima l da ily electric cost o f the sing le pump unit as the objec2 tive function, the blade angle and unit speed in each time per iod as the decision v ariables, and w as so lved by the ex per imental op2 timization. After a series of optimization o f t he sub2model under different water pumping quantities, the r elationship betw een each w ater pum ping quant ity and the cor responding w ater pumping cost was obtained. Then the o riginal mo del w as tr ansfo rmed into the ag g regat ion model of daily o ptimal o per ation fo r the parallel pumping statio ns w ith adjustable blades and v ariable speeds, and was solv ed by t he one2dimensional dynamic pr og ramming method. The pr oposed method can further impro ve the op2 timal o per atio n theor y of parallel pumping st at ions w ith var ious operatio n mo des, and the operatio n benefit w as mo re sig nificant compar ed with that o bt ained from the o ptimal operatio n w ith a single o perat ion mo de. A study case using the optimization meth2 o d show ed that the unit co st of o ptima l operat ion under 100% , 80%, and 60% loads w ithin the aver age daily heads can be re2 duced by 8. 41%, 23. 07%, and 32. 79% compar ed w ith the operation with t he fixed blade ang le and constant speed.