Processing methods of axial flow pump with the fixed blade and high head
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Under the prescr ibed flow, the measurement head of ax ial flow pump w ith the fix ed blade is hig her than the desig n head, and t he im peller of the ax ial flow pum p needs to be tr eat ed. I n or der to achieve low er head and ensur e that the hig hest effi2 ciency o f pump does not decrease, the metho d combining the cutting the leng th of airfoils and fix ing t he thickness of thin blade outlet side face was applied. T he test r esults showed that the highest Pump efficiency decr eases fr om 72% to 71. 8% w ith the pump head decreasing from 9. 53 to 8. 23 m( the decr easing rate is hig her than 10%) w hen the metho d o f cutt ing the length o f airfo ils is used. On the basis o f pr evio us cutting differ ent leng ths( cut ting the or ig inal impeller airfo il by 15 mm) , the thickness of the thin blade outlet side face is thinned( thinning the t otal thickness by 4 mm and smo othing the tr ansit ion) , the pump head decreases to 7. 23 m w ith the highest efficiency of 72. 2%. Therefor e, the purpose of reducing the pump head and ensuring the highest efficiency of pump is achieved.