Geochemical characteristics of geothermal water in Beijing
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Based on the chemical analy sis on 80 g eo thermal w ater and g ro undwater samples, the geo chemical ty pes of the g eo2 therma l w ater va ry fr om SO42Na in the nort her n mo untain ar ea, H CO32Na in Beijing Depression, and to Cl2Na in the souther n edg e o f Beijing Plain. The co ncentrat ions of F- , SiO3 2- , BO2 - , and H2 S in g eothermal water are hig her than those in cold gr oundwat er. Further analy sis sug g ests that t he geo thermal w ater is formed by t he temper ature increasing of peripheral cold water during the infilt ration pr ocess. The results show that eva po ratio n concent ratio n and co ld water dilution have insig nificant effects on the component r atios o f Na/ K, Cl/ F, Cl/ B, and Cl/ SiO2 ; how ever, the mix ing degr ee betw een co ld and hot water can affect t he rat ios. M ost of the g eothermal w ater is immature, and the w ater2r ock inter action has not reached io n balance. The cal2 culated K2M g g eothermomet er temperature r ang es f rom 38. 1 to 136. 6 e , the calculated quartz temperature ranges fr om 57. 4 to 154. 2 e , and the well head temper atur e o f g eothermal w ater ranges from 22. 0 t o 118. 5 e . The compar ison between the cal2 culated and measur ed temperatures r ef lects the temperatur e which the bo re can r each and the hig hest temper atur e of the g eo2 therma l w ater. The results can pro vide the hy dr og eochem ical evidence fo r g eothermal water exploitat ion in Beijing.