Characteristics of hydraulic connection between aquifer groups in Jiaozuo Mine Area
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Jiaozuo Mine Area has complex hy dr og eo lo gical conditio ns w ith ser ious mine w ater damag e, determination of the hy2 draulic connectio n betw een the aquifer g ro ups can pr ov ide the scientific support fo r water damage contro l. Accor ding to the g eo2 log ical and hy dr og eolo gica l data, the hydraulic connectio n characterist ics bet ween the aquifer gr oups wer e analy zed fr om the per2 spect ives of constr uctio n, mine water chemistr y, and enviro nmental iso topic char acter istics. T he r esults showed that ( 1) t he Or2 dov ician and Carbonifer ous aquifers hav e a str ong hydraulic co nnection and the main r echar ge source of the Car bo nifer ous aqui2 fer is Or do vician aquifer ; ( 2) the Permian sandstone aquifer has no hy dr aulic connectio n w ith other aquifers except fo r the Car2 bonifer ous aquifer; ( 3) the main recharg e so ur ce of the Quater nar y aquifer is surface w ater; and ( 4) the surface water and Qua2 ter nar y aquifer can rechar ge the Ordovician and Car bonifero us aquifer s throug h the tectonic fault in the mine area.