Spatial effect analysis of regional geological hazards
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Evaluation of the reg ional g eolog ical hazar ds depends on the specific spatial and tempor al scale. Due to t he no nlinear e2 v olution in the tempo ral scale and heter og eneity in the spatial scale o f the ev aluatio n index es, the geo log ical haza rd assessment is inev itably impacted by the scale effect. H ow ever, t he evo lution of factor s ( such as the str atum and to po gr aphy ) is relativ ely slow , the scale effect pr esents mainly as spatial effect. Based on ana lysis o f the int ernal factor s w hich cause the spatial effect of the r egional g eolo gica l hazar ds, the influencing mechanism of spat ial effect on the uncertaint y of the reg ional geolog ical hazards assessment w as investig ated, which is of g reat sig nificance fo r the study of uncerta int y and impro vement o f ev aluatio n precisio n of reg io nal geo log ical hazards.