Impact factors of drawdown in light wel l with multilayer geologic structure
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Light w ell dew atering is widely used in the t empor ary dew atering scheme of foundation pit. H ow ever, it is affected by many fact ors and insufficient or ex cessive draw dow n can impact the co nstr uct ion o r cause waste. In this paper, a cro ss sect ion in Zhenping of the main channel in t he South2 to2Nor th Water Transfer Pr oject w as taken for ex ample, and the finite element meth2 o d w as ado pted to analy ze the effects o f well dept h, well spacing, and well bo ttom character istics on the draw down in the lig ht well w ith mult ila yer geo lo gic structure. T he results showed that( 1) the dr awdow n in the light well increases w ith the increasing of w ell depth w hen the w ell bott om is in the st rong ly permeable la yer; ( 2) well depth has insig nificant effects o n the dr awdow n when t he w ell bo ttom is in t he r elatively impermeable lay er; ( 3) the draw down decr eases w ith the increasing of w ell spacing ; ( 4) the invalid draw down decr eases w ith the incr easing of the thickness o f the str ongly permeable layer w here the w ell bottom occur s; and( 5) t he inv alid draw down is nea rly constant w hen the thickness of the st rong ly permeable layer is higher than 5 m, and the invalid draw down increases with t he increasing of w ell spacing.