Current research situation on field data col lection informatization based on mobile GIS
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Field data co llect ion is an impo rtant compo nent of the field g eolo gica l surv ey. Wit h the develo pment of new science and technolog y, field data co llect ion has been tr ansfo rming f rom the t raditio nal manual acquisit ion mo de to the informat izat ion mode gr adually. This paper discusses the pr ocess and basic techno lo gy o n the f ield g eolog ical data co llection info rmatization, intro2 duces the main functio n mo dules of field dat a collection sy st em, and analyzes the three key technolog ies based o n mo bile GIS: PDA, GPS, and GIS. Mor eo ver , the main achiev ements and ex isting problems o f the field data co llection informatization sy st em are summar ized.