Study on the drainage scheme of water2rich soft rock tunnel based on solid2fluid coupling
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In or der t o determine the best drainage scheme o f wat er2rich soft rock tunnel, the excavation models of the Guanshan tunnel in Gansu Pro vince wer e established under str ess and seepag e fields based o n t he co upling theor y of fluid and solid. T he complete dr ainage scheme, no n2dra inag e scheme, and co nt rolled dr ainage scheme w ere ana lyzed using the finite element analy sis so ftwa re SoilWo rks. The distributio n character istics of pore w ater pressure and water lev el, t unnel displacement and stress, and plastic zo ne o f sur rounding ro ck w ere studied. T he results showed that the co nt ro lled drainag e scheme can reduce the effect to under gr ound w ater during the tunnel excavat ion; fo r the contro lled dr ainage scheme, the amo unts o f cr ow n set tlement, inv ert up2 lift, and g round settlement are the smallest w hile the surr ounding r ock str ess is the larg est, and t he inver t max imum tensio n st ress fo r the contro lled dr ainage scheme is 2. 2 times of that for the complete dr ainage scheme; and the r ock plastic zone is mainly distributed in the invert area for the complete drainag e scheme and no n2drainag e scheme, and in the side w all fo r the con2 tr olled dr ainage scheme. The results can pro vide refer ence for the select ion of drainag e scheme of w ater2r ich so ft ro ck tunnel.