Analysi s of thermal stresses and crack control measures in mass concrete of hydropower station powerhouse
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The concr ete st ructur e of hydro power st ation pow erhouse can easily crack dur ing t he co nstr uction per io d. In this pa2 per, three2dimensio na l finite element method w ith unsteady temperature and st ress field w as used to simulate the w hole con2 str uction pr ocess o f the under part concrete structure of a hy dr opow er st ation power ho use. The develo pment process and distr i2 bution r eg ular ity of the temper ature field and str ess field w ere o btained, and the feasible temper ature contro l and crack preven2 tion metho ds w ere proposed accor ding t o the computation results. The analy sis show ed that on t he basis o f low t em perat ur e be2 fo re concrete pouring , temperature contr ol and crack pr event ion measur es w ith surface heat pr eser vation and inter nal heat con2 duction can effectively decrease the temper ature difference betw een the internal and exter na l early2ag e concrete, and also de2 cr ease the temper ature amplit ude of later2ag e concrete, w hich can impro ve the safety ag ainst cracking of the pow erhouse con2 cr et e.