Study on the shape and excavation methods of trench on the second phase cofferdam
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Due to that the demo lition alt itude is hard to reach under pr act ical limitations, a div ersio n tr ench was excav at ed on the second2stag e cofferdam to div ert w ater befo re the o pen div ersio n channel clo sure of a hydro power station. The hydraulic clo sur e model test results indicated that the shape of div ersio n trench affects the difficult y of t he closure, and r educing the bottom eleva2 tion of t he diver sion trench is essential to r educe the closure dr op and increase t he diversion r atio of tr ench. If deep ex cavation is har d to conduct, an alter nat ive is to increase the bo ttom w idth of diver sion t rench. Dur ing the constructio n, sever al measur es wer e adopted to dig the diver sion t rench as deeply as possible, including ex cavatio n in differ ent parts, blasting diaphr agm wall to the design altitude at o ne time, and ex cavating a hy dr aulic scour pit behind the diaphr agm w all.