Check method of irrigation water consumption and i ts application based on crop water requirement
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The check method o f w ater co nsumption is a technical suppor t fo r the strictest water r esources management system. In this paper, the Penman2Mo nteith equation recommended by FAO w as adopted to calculate t he daily crop wat er requirement and net irr igat ion wat er demand fo r the three main cr ops in Liang shan Co unty o f Jining City in Shandong Prov ince. The facto rs such as cr op plant ing ar ea and irr ig ation w ater use coefficient wer e co nsidered in t his study and the concepts of theor etical w ater use and co nv ersio n coefficient wer e pro po sed. T hroug h the calculation of the conver sion coefficient between the theo retical and actu2 al wat er use, the irr ig ation w ater consum ption r esults w ere checked fo r 2011 and 2012 in Liangshan County. The relat ive err or s wer e 0. 08% and - 1. 52%, respect ively, indicating that the check results are accur ate.