Water use characteristics of thermal and nuclear power industry based on DEA model
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T hermal and nuclear pow er industr y has the larg est w at er use in the indust rial sector . Knowledg e o f the w ater use char acter istics of t hermal and nuclea r power industry is the foundation o f improv ing w ater use efficiency, which is beneficial for the constr uctio n of wat er2saving society and the str ictest w ater resources manag ement system. Data env elo pment analysis( DEA) is a non2pa rametric fr ontier method, and it is used to analyze the w ater use characterist ics of thermal and nuclear power indust ry based o n t he w ater use trend and reg ional dist ributio n. The r esults show that( 1) the installed capacity scale and wat er use of thermal and nuclear power indust ry are increasing from 1999 to 2011; how ev er, water use is st eady w hile the installed capacity is st ill increasing in r ecent y ea rs; ( 2) water use efficiency of t hermal and nuclear power indust ry is improv ed because of the in2 cr easing of o nce2thro ug h coo ling pow er plants; and( 3) character istics o f w ater use efficiency increases g radually fr om the south2 east coastal area to the nor thwest inland area, w hich is similar to the distr ibut ion char acteristics o f water resources in China.