Effects of flood season rainfall on main channel water level in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of South2to2North Water Transfer Project
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In or der t o prov ide technical suppor t and useful ex perience r efer ence fo r the flo od r eg ulation in the Middle Route of So ut h2to2Nort h Water T ransfer Pr oject af ter w ater flow ing across the ro ute, t he effects of rainfall on t he channel water level wer e analyzed based o n the water transfer data o f fo ur tasks from 2008 to 2013 in Beijing2Shijiazhuang section of South2to2 No rth Water Tr ansfer Pr oject. The results showed that rainfall in the flood season is mainly lig ht r ain and w at er level in the channel generally rises from 20 to 30 mm; water lev el in the channel can r ise from 80 to 100 mm w hen heavy rain occur s; and ther e is no heavy r ainfall during the four water t ransfer t asks so the water level r ising is small w hich has no effects on the chan2 nel saf et y o f channel. Acco rding to the design sto rm flo od atlas in t he small w atersheds o f H ebei Pro vince, the effects o f r ainfalls in differ ent r eturn r ecur rence periods on the channel water level w ere analy zed to determine t he contro l w ater lev els in differ ent return recurr ence perio ds.