Analysis of water conveyance loss of Bei jing2Shijiazhuang emergency water supply section in South2to2North Water Diversion Project
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Water conveyance lo ss can be affected by many factor s, including w eather co nditions, canal constructio n quality, and water co nv eyance flow . Based on t he measur ed w ater flow data of Beijing2Shijiazhuang emerg ency w ater supply section in the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Pro ject, w ater balance principle w as ado pted to analyze the wat er convey ance loss rates in the no rmal season, f loo d season, and ice season, w hich can pr ovide technical suppo rt fo r the w ater convey ance operation in the Mid2 dle Ro ut e o f the So ut h2to2Nort h Water Diversion Pr oject.