Assessment of water environment security in Nanchang
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Water environment security problems are not only the ecological and environmental problems, but also the social, eco2 nomic, and political issues, which are directly related to the national security and social stability. In this paper, the evaluation in2 dex system of water environment security in Nanchang was developed using the "Driving force2 Pressure2 State2 Response" ( DPSR) model. The weight of each index was calculated using AHP and entropy method, and a comprehensive evaluation of wa 2 ter environment security in Nanchang was conducted using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. T he results showed that the water environment of Nanchang is unsafe in 2012. T herefore, more efforts are needed to improve the water environment se 2 curity, including the environmental investment, pollution emission control, new water source exploration, water 2saving meas2 ures, and improvement on water environment management system.