Application of hydrodynamic system of the free 2surface2pressure flow
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One2dimensio na l unsteady fr ee2surface2pressur e flow hydrodynamic system is developed which is suit able fo r the long2 distance water diversio n pr oject w ith complex inner boundar ies. Based on the long2distance water div ersio n pro ject w ith open channels and pipes, t he coupled flow sy stem w ith bo th o pen channel flow and pr essure flow is desig ned. In or der to simulate the hy dr aulic characterist ics accurately and analyze t he effects o f fr ee2surface2pressur e flow on t he stability and safet y o f the pro2 ject , Saint Venant equatio ns and Preissmann slit method w ere used to calculat e the pressure flow , fr ee2surf ace flow, and the tran2 sit ion flow, and r eser voirs, pump statio ns, diver sions, culverts, sluices, and other hydraulic structur es w ere added int o t he sys2 tem. The system can so lv e the pr oblems caused by the f ree2sur face2pressure flow in Beijing sect ion of the South2to2No rth Water Diver sion Pr oject.