Numerical simulation of tidal current energy turbine based on CFD
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In or der t o dev elo p a hor izo ntal ax is tidal cur rent energ y tur bine w ith hig h hydraulic perfo rmance, thr ee2dimensional numerical simulatio n w as applied to simulate the tidal cur rent energ y turbines using CFD technolog y with FLUENT as the plat2 fo rm. Three different air foil shapes w ere used t o form a total o f eig ht blades of two ty pes, and the flow fields of the turbine pro2 duced by the eight blades were simulated. The results show ed that the tur bine w ith the symmetrical airfo il in the tip o f blade and lar ge2camber air foil in the roo t of blade has bett er hydr aulic perfo rmance. The flow pattern o f the optimal tur bine is g ood and can meet the desig n r equir ements.