Design of component2based surface water resources al location system
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Tr aditional surface w ater r eso ur ces allo cat ion system is usually developed fo r a certa in riv er basin, w hich lacks of ex2 pansibility and flex ibilit y. In this paper, a component2based sur face wat er r eso urces allocatio n system is presented. In the sys2 tem, natur al r iver s, reserv oirs, w ater use po int, and w ater co nnections ar e consider ed as basic compo nents. The system encodes riv ers w ith Ho rto n method, uses to po lo gy so rting and r iver sy nchro nizat ion t o so lv e the hydraulic connections in river netwo rk. Therefor e the r iv er resour ces simulat ion and o pt imization allo cation can be performed using the connecting component s, w hich show s flex ibility , ver satility, and expansibility. T he system can pr ovide technical suppor t fo r water resources management de2 part ment to make plan and design of residentia l w ater use, indust rial pro ductio n, ag ricultur al irr ig ation, and ecolog ical develop2 ment.