Interpolation model of precipitation distribution with el liptic exponential function
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H ow to tr ansform the obser ved po int precipitatio n data at t he pr ecipitation stations into the distr ibuted data required by the hy dr olog ical model is the foundat ion f or the hy dr olog ical process simulation of distributed hydro lo gical model. T he Ellip2 tic Ex ponential Function M odel ( EEFM) has the capability o f identify ing the precipitation center po sitio n and center precipitat i2 o n amo unt. Compar ed w ith other spatial inter po lat ion models, EEFM inter po lation results remain unknow n and need further study. In this paper, Inver se Dist ance Weig hting ( IDW) , Space Linear I nter po lation M odel ( SLIM ) , Revise Inverse Distance Model ( RIDM) , and EEFM w ere a pplied to characterize t he distr ibut ion o f three precipitat ion events in t he Santa Catalina Is2 land. T he inter polat ion results show ed that ( 1) EEFM and RIDM are able to r eflect the pr ecipitation spatial distributio n mor e accurately due to that bo th metho ds consider mor e impact factors and precipitation distributio n char act eristics; ( 2) SLIM con2 siders the data from the t hr ee adjacent points only and ig nor es the effects o f o ther po ints, so its int erpolat ion results show lar ger erro rs compared to o ther models; ( 3) RIDM t akes into account the impact factor of the ups and downs of terr ain elevat ion, and its inter po lation accuracy is better than that of IDW; and ( 4) EEFM is a continuo us dist ribution functio n and it can simulate the co nt inuously spat ial distr ibution trend o f rainfall, therefor e it has a higher accuracy compar ed to o ther three mo dels.