Safety monitoring and deformation damage of Dongla landslide in Shuiluo of Muli County
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Dong la landslide in Shuiluo of M uli Co unty is an o ld landslide revival body. Its intensive deformation beg an in 2011 wit h tension cracks ev eryw here, and incr emental defo rmatio n caused lar ge2scale sliding and destruction. Accor ding to the in2situ deformatio n character istics of landslide, surface displacement pier , inclinometer piezometers, and osmomet ers w ere installed to monitor the landslide deformatio n and w ater level var iatio n. Based o n the in2depth ana lysis on the deformat ion and water level monitor ing results, and acco rding to the cumulat ive displacement2 hole depth curv e, slide dislocatio n slip2 time curve, or ifice cu2 mulat ive displacement and r otation azimuth2 time curv e, surface displacement and rotat ion azimuth2 time cur ve, the location and thickness o f a new sliding sur face w ere determined, w hich sugg ested that t he new sliding surface is located in the soil layer of 18. 5 t o 19. 5 m. T he results pr ovided r eliable refer ence fo r the illustr ation of cr eep defo rmatio n of landslide, w hich indicat ed t hat the landslide is currently in the creep defo rmation stag e w ith co nstant speed but can enter into the acceler ated defo rmatio n stag e over time. T he r esea rch summarizes the monito ring results o f the landslide, and is beneficial t o the surv ey desig n, monit or ing , and data analysis of similar landslides.