Fluorine and arsenic contents in groundwater and their hydrochemical impact factors in Songnen Plain
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Based on the stat istical dat a o f hydro chemical index es of high2fluo rine and high2arsenic gr oundwater in the study area, 25 g r oups of data wer e selected to identify t he hydro chemical impact facto rs on the f luor ine and ar senic concent ratio ns. The re2 sults show ed that fluo rine and ar senic concentr ations are hig h in the alkaline env iro nment w ith high HCO3 - concentr atio n, flu2 o ride concent ratio n incr eases w ith the increasing of Na / ( Cl + SO4 ) r atio , and TDS in hig h2fluor ine and hig h2a rsenic g roundw a2 ter is also high, indicating the so da process o f the geo log ical setting in the study ar ea. Compared w ith the concentr atio n distribu2 tions of As3+ and As5+ , the analysis o f As3+ and 2 As scatt er plot show ed the distributio n As3+ and As5+ in g ro undwater , w hich sug gested that hig h2arsenic water is mainly in the co nfined aquifer and the main o ver2 standard arsenic ion is As5+ 。