Control index of settlement difference after construction of integrated drainage road
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In or der to determine the contro l index of sett lement difference r easo nably after the constructio n of integr ated drainag e road, an integ rated dr ainage model of r oad surface w as established using the hydraulic and hy dr olog ic methods. The effects of transverse and longitudinal settlement diff er ences o n the discharg e capabilit y wer e analy zed qualitat ively. T he calculation fo rmu2 las of t he allow able slope var iation r ates in t he transverse and long itudinal dir ections w ere conducted, and the slo pe var iatio n rat e was consider ed as the contr ol index of settlement differ ence of integ rated drainag e road. T he model w as applied to a high level road. The r esults show ed that based on the contro l index of settlement difference o n surface dra inag e, the allow able slope var ia2 tion rates in the t ransv erse and longit udinal directio ns are 0. 76% and 0. 22% , respect ively, and the allow able slo pe var iatio n rat e can be determ ined mor e o bjectively and r easo nably fo r different ar eas and ro ad levels based o n the specific r oad str ucture par am2 eter s and met eo ro lo gical condit ions.