Three2dimensional finite element analysis of cellular diaphragm wall
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Three2dimensional finite element method w as used t o simulate the ex cavation pro cess o f a foundatio n pit and to analyze the ho rizo ntal displacement and stress distributio n of the cellular diaphr agm wa ll. Finite element so ftw are ABAQUS was used to co nduct the simulat ion. T he r esults show ed t hat t he displacement distr ibution char act eristics of t he cellular diaphr agm w all ar e differ ent f rom tho se o f the g eneral diaphr agm wall with smaller displacement at the w all to p but lar gest displacement at wall bo ttom. The internal and exter na l lo ng itudinal w alls are co nnected thro ug h the par titio n w all, w hich enhances the o vera ll stabili2 ty , and the partit ion wall bears the tension. The r esear ch pro vides t he theor et ic basis for eng ineer ing design, and t he demo nstr a2 tion of safety and stability of the foundation pit eng ineering .